Bańki Ogniowe Chińskie

Jest to metoda leczenia wywodząca się z kręgu tradycyjnej medycyny chińskiej oraz perskiej. Celem stawiania baniek ogniowych jest wzmocnienie oraz uaktywnienie sił odpornościowych organizmu. Ich główne działanie skupia się na walce z infekcjami, wzmacnianiu układu oddechowego, poprawie krążenia oraz ma właściwości antycellulitowe.

Stawianie baniek ogniowych


Lomi Lomi Nui

Price: 229zł/60 min, 299zł / 90min, 369zł / 120min Lomi Lomi Nui is one of the most sensual oriental massages. Subtle and smooth touch, exotic music and delicate Hawaiian dance steps performed by a masseuse all these factors strongly influence the emotions of the client. The rhythm of the massage reflects strongly reflects the rhythm of nature, what makes the Lomi Lomi Nui almost a spiritual experience.

Advantages of Lomi Lomi Nui:

  • restores emotional balance
  • rejuvenates the body through stimulation of nervous system
  • induces a state of relaxation and peace
  • improves metabolism and digestion
  • relaxes muscles and improves flexibility of joints

Oczyszczający zabieg z zieloną herbatą NOWOŚĆ!

Balinese massage

Price: 219 zł / 60 min, 299 zł / 90 min, 359 zł / 120 min Balinese massage is a relaxing, unique massage, which combines several

Asian, Ayurvedic and Chinese techniques. It uses deep compression hands,

grinding and smoothing the skin and stimulating the reflex points. This

massage uses warm essential oils. Balinese massage is very good for tense

muscles. We also recommend it for people following sports injuries.

One day packs – de luxe

The Traditional Thai Massage

Price: 189 ZL / 60 MIN, 249 ZL / 90 MIN, 309 ZL / 120 MIN The Traditional Thai Massage is one of the most specific types of massage and differs from other well-known massages. It is performed without the use of any oils or moisturizers. The Client stays in special loose clothing all the time. A massage therapist uses all of his or her limbs to perform the massage (hands, wrists, thumbs, elbows, knees and feet). Advantages of Traditional Thai Massage:

  • stretches and relaxes muscles while also strengthening them
  • acupressure improves mobility
  • helps the immune system
  • helps the digestive system by regulating the metabolism
  • purifies body from toxins and free radicals
  • helps relieve depression, tension and stress
  • increases reduction of the adipose tissue and reduces cellulite


Price: 229 zł / 60 min, 309 zł / 90 min, 369 zł / 120 min Aromatherapy Massage is a very sensitive and deeply relaxing massage, that causes total stress relief. The key point of this massage is the use of ethereal oils, that are chosen by the clients themselves. Advantages of aromatherapy massage:

  • slows aging process
  • firms and deeply moisturizers the skin
  • stimulates nervous system, improves brain work
  • detoxicates


Price: 870 zł. Standard price for all treatments : 1020 zł.

Time – five hours.

  • Manual face massage
  • Moisturizing Chocolate Body Treatment
  • Lomi Lomi Nui Massage (two hours)
  • Exclusive Face Gold Mask 24 carat
  • Moisturizing Chocolate treatment for hands
  • Head Massage
  • Thai tea Matum and fruit

4 Hands Lomi Lomi Nui

Price: 380zł / 60min The Lomi Lomi Nui Massage performed by two massage therapists simultaneously provides an unusual sense of relaxation. The four hands Lomi Lomi Nui is one of the most luxurious and exotic massages, that guarantees total stress relief and restoring physical and emotional balance.

Ujędrniający zabieg pomarańczowy NOWOŚĆ!

Masaż Deep Tissue


Price: 889 zł. Standard price for all treatments : 1190 zł.

Time – five hours.

  • Rejuvenating Green Tea Body Treatment
  • scrab and mask
  • Aromatherapy Thai Massage
  • Face treatment with use cosmetics from THALGO, specjal for your skin
  • Feet massage
  • Thai tea Matum

Energetyzujący zabieg dla mężczyzn NOWOŚĆ!

Hot Stones massage

Price: 230 zł / 60 min 300/90min The hot stones massage is not only a pleasant treatment, but also an efficient one. It combines the positive influence of thermotherapy with lymphatic drainage. The usage of techniques that derive from acupressure and ethereal oils makes the treatment more relaxing and soothing. Basalt stones collected in areas of high volcanic activity are used to perform this massage, since they emit heat for long time, which is a big advantage when dealing with diseases that need thermal inference.

Advantages of hot stones massage:

  • supports the circulatory, nervous, digestive and hormonal system
  • helps dealing with stress, and chronic tiredness
  • it is a reliable remedy when fighting depression and neurosis
  • calms down, helps concentration
  • improves memory
  • relaxes muscles, eases post traumatic pain, fights migraines


The Slimming Thai Massage.

Price: 209 ZL We are pleased to offer all clients our specialty ? The Slimming Thai Massage. Developed and tested at our Spa, The Slimming Massage is based on traditional Thai Massage techniques, however it is focused on those body parts that need slimming and firming ? belly , thighs, buttocks. Special slimming massage lotions are used whilst the massage is being performed. For visible effects we recommend taking at least three massages. Advantages of Slimming Thai Massage:

  • increases reduction of the adipose tissue and reduces cellulite
  • accelerates metabolism
  • regulates lymph flow
  • improves silhouette
  • purifies body from toxins and free radicals
  • supports digestive system
  • accelerates blood circulation
  • improves skin tone


Price: 399 zł A treatment for the body and senses which will repair a bad mood faster than a bar of chocolate. Treatment consists of:

  • whole body chocolate peeling
  • intensely moisturising chocolate mask
  • relaxing body massage performed with chocolate oil or slimming massage lotion


Price: 879zł. Standard price for all treatments : 1249 zł. Time – five hours.

  • Thai head massage
  • Slimming cinnamon body treatment (body-wrapping)
  • Slimming Thai Massage
  • Face treatment Absolute hydration Ritual 24 THALGO
  • Brightening Orange Treatment for hands
  • Green tea


Price: 330 zł/90min It is one of the most exotic and at the same time exclusive massages. It is performed with a use of bags (traditionally called stamps) filled with carefully selected herbs, that induce a state of relaxation, remove pain and purify the organism. Advantages of the herbal stamps massage:

  • it eases pain, curbs inflammation, warms the body and kills bacteria
  • relaxes muscles
  • purifies the body from toxins and free radicals
  • supports digestive system, improves bowels work, eases stomach pain
  • improves blood circulation, accelerates healing of wounds and bruisers
  • improves skin tone
  • improves silhouette

Świecowanie uszu – Konchowanie

Polynesian Massage for Pregnant Women

Price : 160zł/ 60min

Orient Package for two

Price: 699 zł

For Her

  • Aromatherapy Thai Massage
  • Asian face massage with an ampoule of vitamin
  • Massage Shiroabhyanga- face and head massage

For Him

  • Balinese massage
  • Face massage with warm and cold stones
  • Thai foot massage with reflexology

Thai tea and voucher 50zł for use in Mana Spa

Thai tea Matum and fruit

Magia Dotyku – masaż głowy, ramion i pleców

Price: 179 zł / 45 min

The Thai Foot Massage

Price: 99 zł/30 min The aim of the Thai Feet Massage is reducing any unpleasant sensations of pain and heaviness. In addition the acupressure that are used here have a positive influence on the whole body.
Advantages of Thai foot massage

  • helps fight ailments such as ? flat feet, leg swelling, bunion, rheumatism
  • relaxes muscles and joints
  • supports circulatory, immune, hormonal and nervous systems
  • reduces stress


Price: 530 zł. Standard price of all treatments: 690 zł.
czas 2,5h
Time – hours

  • Polynesian pregnancy massage
  • Asian face massage with an ampoule of vitamin
  • P
  • Thai tea Matum

AQUARELLE Thalgo – Intensive moisturizing treatment for gray, tired skin.

Price: 269 zł Skóra niedożywiona, ze słabym pozio-mem nawilżenia objawia się złą kondycją, wygląda na zmęczoną i często dochodzi w niej do niepożądanych objawów. Między innymi może to być opuchnięcie powiek dolnych, objawiających się woreczkami pod oczami. Przyczyną tego stanu rzeczy często jest zaburzenie krążenia limfatycznego na skórze.

Cel: usprawnienie krążenia, odprowadzenie wody z naczyń limfatycznych, nawilżenie i remineralizację skóry

Wskazania: zabieg przeznaczony do pielęgnacji skóry wymagającej odżywienia, nawilżenia i poprawienia mikrocyrkulacji w naczyniach krwionośnych i limfatycznych

Przeciwwskazania: skóra trądzikowa, uczulenie na składniki zawarte w preparatach

Masaż bańką chińską z tajskim masażem wyszczuplającym

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Price: 299zł/90min

  • Moisturizing body scrub with lychee and guarana
  • Firming mask with lychee and guarana
  • Relaxing body massage with warm oils


Price: 580 zł

  • Regenerating body scrub,
  • Oriental massage
  • Vitalizing facial massage with warm and cold stones,
  • Eastern therapy Ear candling with Thai massage of the head,
  • Face treatment for men chosen to skin type
  • Thai tea Matum

Vitalizing facial massage with warm and cold stones

Price: 130zł / 30 min


Price: 399zł/90min Intensively nourishing and restorative treatment.

  • Honey body scrub,
  • Relaxing massage with massage butter with extract of honey, milk and vanilla.


Price: 2240 zł/60min Brightens tired and dull skin. The treatment consists of:

  • whole body orange peeling
  • body massage performed with orange oil or slimming massage lotio

Asian face massage with an ampoule of vitamin

Price: 130zł / 30 min

Wyszczuplający masaż bańką chińską

    Masaż skoncentrowany jest na tych partiach ciała, które wymagają wyszczuplenia i ujędrnienia – brzuchu, udach, pośladkach. Wykonywany jest on przy użyciu wyszczuplających kremów do masażu. Dla uzyskania widocznych efektów polecamy wykonanie minimum trzech masaży. Zalety wyszczuplającego masażu tajskiego: przyspiesza spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej oraz redukuje cellulit, przyspiesza metabolizm, reguluje przepływ limfy w organizmie, oczyszcza organizm z toksyn i wolnych rodników, wspomaga pracę układu trawiennego, usprawnia krążenie – poprawia przepływ krwi w naczyniach krwionośnych, poprawia koloryt skóry, modeluje sylwetkę.
    Masaż wykonywany jest bańką chińską silikonową

    • hemofilia
    • zakrzepica żył głębokich
    • pękające naczynka
    • choroby nowotworowe
    • zasiniaczenia, skłonność do długotrwałych siniaków


Price: 520 zł/120 min Active ingredients contained in algae firm the skin and facilitate removal of toxins from the organism. The treatment consists of:

  • whole body algae peeling
  • body-wrapping preformed with active concentrate from Laminaria Digitata algae
  • slimming body massage performed with algae massage lotion

Pakiet dla nowożeńców

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.


Prices: Price for one treatment Price in a series of 4 treatments
Stomach and hips 180zł 120zł
Thighs 220zł 160zł
Buttocks 220zł 160zł
Arms 150zł 100zł

“Unique gift”

Nourishing Facial Massage

Price: 120zł / 30 min

Ear candling therapy

Price: 99zł / 30 min

Oczyszczająco – nawilżający pakiet z zieloną herbatą

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Rozświetlający pakiet pomarańczowy

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Peeling Ciała

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Chocolate solace – Moisturising-relaxing Chocolate Pack

Price: 499 zł (instead of 670 zł)/120min

  • Manual face massage
  • Chocolate Body Peeling
  • Moisturising Chocolate Body Mask
  • Aromatherapy Thai Massage with Chocolate Oil


Price: 520zł (instead 690zł)

Slimming – relaxing package with lychee and mango

  • Moisturizing – slimming body mask with lychee and mango
  • Aromatherapy massage Thai
  • Nourishing facial massage
  • Thai tea Matum

ABSOLUTE HYDRATION RITUAL Intensive moisturizing treatment with a Seve Bleue complex, moisturizing – relaxing ritual

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Asian Care

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850zł (zamiast 1045zł) 5 masaży tajskich wyszczuplających z antycellulitowym masażem bańką chińską 60min

1520 zł (zamiast 1890zł) 10 masaży tradycyjnych tajskich 60 min

1800zł (zamiast 2290zł) 10 masaży aromaterapeutycznych tajskich lub balijskich 60 min
2480 zł (zamiast 3090zł) 10 masaży aromaterapeutycznych tajskich lub balijskich 90min

* do każdego z pakietów proponujemy również orientalny posiłek w cenie 80zł

Price: 50 zł An extremely aromatic and regenerating bath in goat?s milk, which delivers the skin precious proteins, elementary vitamins and calcium. In addition, the Royal bath, makes skin smooth, elastic and moisturized.


Price: 89 zł This treatment is recommended for dry and fatigued hands. It aims at full hydration and regeneration of skin. Treatment consists of:

  • Softening palms bath
  • Intensively moisturising orange peeling
  • Relaxing palms massage
  • Mask


Price: 250 zł

  • Diamond Microdermabrasion
  • Needle-free mesotherapy with rejuvenating serum
  • Mesotherapy sensitive eye area
  • Anti-wrinkle Gold Collagen mask

Nawilżający zabieg czekoladowy na dłonie

Price: 99 zł/30min Intensively nourishing and restorative treatment. It provides relief
for rough, chapped skin on hands and soothes irritation.

  • Regenerating scrub
  • Nourishing mask for hands extract the honey, milk and vanilla
  • Hands massage

Cavitation peeling with mask

Retix C

Strong treatment with effect exfoliation complex ActiCell 40% is a
synergistic effect of three components:
– Retinol 2%
– Vitamin C 8%
– Antioxidants 30%

Therapy Retix C
Retix C (face, neck, decollete)

Therapy Retix C PLUS
Cavitation peeling + Retix C (face, neck, decollete)

Shirodhara – Head Massage

Price: 350 zł/90min Shirodhara, the so called ‘third eye massage’, is an extraordinary, unusually relaxing head massage. The climactic point of this massage consists of pouring a special mixture of ayurveda ois on the spot between the eyebrows and the whole head.

Advantages of shirodhara:

  • increases concentration, supports memory
  • helps relieve insomnia, stress, migraines
  • supports hormonal system
  • induces a state of peace and harmony
  • improves hair condition and prevents hair loss

Shiroabhyanga – Head Massage

Price: 169 zł/40 min It is a traditional ayurveda head, face and arms massage, perfromed with the usage of hot oils. Advantages of Shiroabhyanga:

  • relaxes muscles, calms
  • eases stress
  • induces a state of harmony
  • helps relieve insomnia
  • improves hair condition
  • prevents hair loss and graying hair

Abhyanga – Body Massage

Pirce: 250 zł/60min Abhyanga stands for anointment. It stimulates energy points and supports energy flow while hot oils are rubbed in the whole body. Advantages of Abhyanga:

  • facilitates weight loss and improves silhouette
  • supports circulatory, nervous and digestive system
  • accelerates hormones production
  • relaxes muscles
  • removes toxins from the body
  • helps relieve insomnia, depression and anxiousness
  • supports lymphatic system
  • rejuvenates skin

Udvartana – Body Massage

Price: 290 zł/60min Udvartana is performed with a use of special mixture or ayurveda powders and herbs. Udvartana powders have anti inflammatory and detoxifying effects. Furthermore Udvartana is an ideal addition to a diet or slimming exercises since it supports reduction of fat tissue and cellulite.

  • facitilates reducation of fat tissue
  • has a purifing anti inflammatory effect.
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Has a peeling effect, smoothing and levelling the skin
  • Reduces excess perspiration
  • tones the body’s figure
  • Revives a healthy skin tone.